Project Pad Calendar

back today and I am super excited to show you the calendar I made with the Punch Out Project Pads. My daughter has become quite interested in dance this year and is always making little calendars to keep track of her practice. When I saw this white board I knew she would love it and I would have fun decorating it!

Project Pad Calendar Supply List:
Frames Project Pad
Hearts Project Pad
, and
Butterflies Project Pad

I began by choosing the colors I wanted and then punching out a whole bunch of butterflies and hearts. I played with them until I figured out a layering pattern that I liked and glued a bunch together. I adhered them to magnetic strips so that my daughter can move them anywhere she would like on the board.

I went through the frame pad and punched out all the cards with words on them that I felt fit my theme of dance and practice. I punched out corresponding frames (which have the folds already scored) and glued everything together. I also put magnetic strips on the back of the frames.

These box frames I stuffed with tissue so they would be sturdier when pulled off the board. I had lots of fun layering hearts to make flowers and decorate the boxes.

The project pads make a craft like this so easy! They are packed with a variety of shapes and colors that all coordinate. This would be an easy craft with kids and my daughter is excited to make more accessories for her board with me.